Tuesday, June 30, 2009


You know how sometimes you struggle hard to accomplish something and just when you thought you made it something happens that destroys everything you’ve worked so hard on?

For the past few years I’ve tried to put my life in order, to let go of people and relations that I failed at, to stop regretting things I haven’t done or done wrong and accept that it was how they were meant to be. It took some work and a lot of perseverance and I finally thought I did it and I will be able to take a new step.

Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, there was this pop-up on my screen. And I saw his name. And my heart remembered and started beating like it did 6 years ago. A wave of memories and old feelings hit me. Funny, I didn’t even know they were there anymore. So a ghost from my past came back to haunt me, I would say :).

I don’t know why he looked for me, why he remembered me after such a long time, haven’t asked him yet, but it really got me confused…


  1. for the record, it seems like EVERY time i think i have made it something happens to destroy it. that's just the universe's way of teaching us more and more, so i suppose we have to learn to go with the flow and grow!

    and? take it slow with your ghost! if it's meant to be...it WILL BE!

  2. life is like a box of chocolates, right? you never know what you're gonna get...

    although sometimes it seems more like a castle of cards.

  3. i know, girl, i know.....love you!
